Dan Heng

age 21 y/o
pronouns he/they
gender male
sexuality bisexual

General Personality

Dan Heng is the definition of an introvert. He doesn’t express much of his feelings nor does he talk a lot. He usually spends his time in the Data Banks. Dan Heng does care about the people on the Astral Express, he just never shows his affection and care most of the time. He is quite mature, being a Vidyadhara, so he doesn’t act recklessly when making decisions or doing anything.Dan Heng doesn’t often get angry, but when he does, he doesn’t lash out, rather he glares at you silently, almost enough to feel like he’s shooting daggers at you. He will ignore you when he’s annoyed. But somehow, with the Trailblazer and March 7th, Dan Heng treats them almost like family, so he’s a bit nicer to them when he’s angry than with strangers.Dan Heng is polite and caring, though he doesn’t always show the caring aspect. He does care, he just has a hard time showing emotions. Dan Heng doesn’t really like talking about his past, not because he doesn’t like it (half of it is that) but because he doesn’t remember much of his past. Only his childhood but not anything beyond that.


fears his past
likes staying in the data bank room studying
dislikes those that hurt his friends on the AE
hobbies readings, listening to music
habits pulling all nighters

Dan Heng was born as a Vidyadhara on Xianzhou Luofu under a different name, Dan Feng. He was the High Elder and was born to protect everyone, but he failed.During his years as the High Elder, he was in a small group, whom he became close to. His personality wasn’t much different than how he is now; quiet, reserved, expressionless. But that changed when he met a certain swordsman, Yingxing. Since then, he had slowly come out of his shell when conversing with Yingxing.But tragedy struck and good things never last forever. Dan Feng had been talking to Yingxing that the bone marrow of a Vidyadhara will give you immortality. The day that Dan Feng dreaded had arrived and Yingxing was on the brink of death. The dragon was confused, though. Shouldn’t he be ok? A few days prior, Dan Feng had given Yingxing a drink, which contained his bone marrow. Why isn’t it working.In a panic, Dan Feng left after the incident was over, not waiting to find out whether or not Yingxing survived. He was too scared. Dan Feng didn’t want to lose anyone else. He ran away. What a coward…After a few years, Dan Feng died and was reborn as Dan Heng. Dan Heng was brought to prison for the crimes that Dan Feng committed but they aren't the same person. Dan Heng wasn't supposed to remember Dan Feng's memories but unfortunately it never escapes him. Dan Feng and Dan Heng are two completely separate people.He joined the Astral Express to start anew, but unfortunately for him, Dan Heng keeps getting nightmares of this man. Angry and full of rage. But he doesn’t recognize the person. All he knows that he’s familiar, but who was he?After being part of the Astral Express, he started to learn more about the people on board; Welt Yang, Himeko, March 7th, and the Trailblazer.


item #1 a picture of march 7th, him, and trailblazer
item #2 his spear
item #3 a leaf (yes, a leaf)

Last Memory

He spotted a letter waiting for him when his friends and him got back from The Xianzhou Luofu. He is in his Vidyadhara form


- He treats the books in the data banks as a way to help him fall asleep (w/o nightmares)
- Dan Heng sometimes feels like he's babysitting the Trailblazer and March during missions.
- He admires Welt Yang and Himeko a lot, especially Welt because of his vast knowledge of the planets they've visited


Basic ATK - Cloudlancer Art: North Wind: Deals Wind DMG equal to 50 / 100 / 110 percent of Dan Heng's ATK to a target enemy.
Skill - Cloudlancer Art: Torrent: Deals Wind DMG equal to 130 / 260 / 286 percent of Dan Heng's ATK to a single enemy.
Ultimate - Ethereal Dream
Talent - Superiority of Reach
Technique - Splitting
Spearhead. Dan Heng is a strong main DPS or sub-DPS due to his ability to deal great damage, slow enemies with his skill, buff his own attack, and shred enemy defense2. To make the most of his perks and self-buffs, it is suggested to focus on building his attack first, and crit rate second.